Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week 4, Thing 9

I found an "edublog" created by an American literature teacher at the collegiate level. He uses his blog to update his class syllabus, provide wikis for his class, and give more in-depth directions for class projects. What really interested me was that Prof. Lanley provided links to most of the reading assignment - limiting the costs of textbooks for the students.

I added this blog to my Google Reader in hopes that I could come up with some ideas for my sophomores taking American literature and perhaps "borrow" any of those ideas that would be useful to me.

Week 4, Thing 8

The RSS feeds will probably be useful once I can figure out which ones have the easiest search/filter program. I'm finding it difficult to find blogs that would be useful to my class; in fact, many of the blogs that I thought would provide me with some ideas that would be useful turned out to be useless and/or lacked any recent updates (like my current blog).

Does anyone know which one of the suggested search tools is easiest to use?